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Happy Thanksgiving-Eve, Chicopee!

Not all electric and telecom cable is hung on poles - so today we want to feature underground work! When working in very high-traffic and property-dense areas of the city, or in a neighborhood with no poles, our wires are fed through buried conduit.

Our lines run underground in Chicopee center and today our crews extracted a fiber tray into our splicing trailer to get a business connected. This line runs under Center Street to service a customer in the same building as the CPD Sub-Station.

Other times this work requires crossing a road and that means the pavement needs to be cut, dug out, our conduit/cable installed, the hole covered back up and the road re-paved. Our contractor was hard at work off Granby Road today cutting the pavement in preparation for conduit to be placed. Later our crews will pull thousands of feet of cable into this neighborhood and directly to these homes!

As we prepare for another day of thanks - we wanted to tip our hard hats to ALL of our crews and contractors working in trucks, in buckets, up on ladders and in the ground doing everything they can to bring you the best internet available!

NOTE: CEL/Crossroads Fiber offices will be CLOSED tomorrow AND Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.


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